- Tap into your support networks such as colleagues, your line manager, People Services and unions (choose U in the A-Z) for support with your mental health and wellbeing.
- Be aware of University policies and tools that support your wellbeing, such as agile working, occupational health, stress risk assessments, wellness action plans and reasonable adjustments.
- A range of training and development activities are arranged throughout the year. These are often promoted on OU Life and can be accessed via My Learning Centre.
- Headroom is a new BBC News site that contains numerous articles, tips, podcasts, and tools to help and improve mental health.
- Mind provides a wealth of information to support and improve mental health.
- Mental Health UK provides information about improving your physical and mental health.
- NHS - Every Mind Matters gives advice, information and guidance about looking after your mental health.
- Rethink Mental Illness provides help and support for people living with mental illness.
- Samaritans - Tel: 116 123 who are available any time and any day
- Mind - Tel: 0300 123 3393
- SANEline - Tel: 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm-10.30pm)
- Your local GP for medical advice by making an emergency appointment
- NHS (England & Wales) Tel: 111, NHS 24 (Scotland) Tel: 08454 242424, NI Direct (Northern Ireland) Tel: 0808 808 8000
- 999 or go to Accident and Emergency (A&E).