If you are experiencing mental health issues and are a student, the following support is available to you: 
The Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welfare pages on the StudentHome Help Centre provide information about the help and support available to you as an OU student.  Sources of help include:  
  • Togetherall - an online mental health and wellbeing resource that offers a supportive community through moderated message boards, guided support courses and art therapy. 
  • Peer Support - The OU Students Association offers a confidential Peer Support service. Peer Supporters are trained OU students that provide a listening ear if you're struggling with your learning and can offer you study skills support. 
  • Shout 85258 offers free and confidential support to any student studying with The Open University who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. Shout's text message support service is silent, anonymous and available 24/7. To start a conversation using Shout, text the word OU to 85258. 
External resources and support 
  • Headroom is a new BBC News site that contains numerous articles, tips, podcasts, and tools to help and improve mental health. 
  • Mind provides a wealth of information to support and improve mental health. 
  • Mental Health UK provides information about improving your physical and mental health. 
  • NHS - Every Mind Matters gives advice, information and guidance about looking after your mental health. 
  • Rethink Mental Illness provides help and support for people living with mental illness. 

If you need more immediate help, you can contact:
  • Samaritans - Tel: 116 123 who are available any time and any day
  • Mind - Tel: 0300 123 3393
  • SANEline - Tel: 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm-10.30pm)
  • Your local GP for medical advice by making an emergency appointment
  • NHS (England & Wales) Tel: 111, NHS 24 (Scotland) Tel: 08454 242424, NI Direct (Northern Ireland) Tel: 0808 808 8000
  • 999 or go to Accident and Emergency (A&E).

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